Today will be a hectic one at least until this afternoon. My oldest DD is 13 today; my word where did the time go? It was yesterday, or so it seems that that tiny little girl came into my life and changed my life forever. I remember trying so hard to have her on my daddy's birthday only for her to decide to come a day early. She was my daddy's biggest birthday gift and his first grandchild. I know that he is smiling down from Heaven on her today, so proud of the beautiful young lady she is. (Happy Birthday Daddy a day early..we love and miss you so) I'll post party pictures later on..if you have a minute leave her a little love today...
I love you Summer :)
...xoxo Mama 4 years old

Cute pics!!!! See you are hiding some news from me!!! LOL!!!
WOW!!!! I LOVE these...hehehe and the Emo layout is fabulous!!!!((hugs))
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